Love your Sweat – Day 2

Day 2 was harder for cardio and easier for mat work.  Day 1 of the food was easy!

  • Cardio – I found myself trying to get the moves down, and not just going with it.  I did sweat a lot, but I am not sure that I love my sweat…  just yet!
  • Mat – This was easier.  On the Left side, I wish Tracy would just say when she changes her moves, or tell you how many counts each move is.  Our plasma tv is on the wall, and this morning I woke up with a sore neck.  I think my neck is sore because I am on my hands and knees with my neck all cranked up to see the TV.  I am sure I will get used to this with time.
  • Food Plan – The food is easy.  It is all prepared (by Chef Moi!), and when I am hungry I just grab something.  I had 7 things to eat yesterday.  I ate them all, and I didn’t need anything else.  During the day at one point, I did think about cheese.  And, then I talked the cheese down, and moved on to my sweet potato pudding.  I ate my chocolate dessert over the course of the day one bite at a time.  And, wow!  It is DELICIOUS!  I did have to replace chestnuts with hazelnuts, as I went to 6 stores and was unable to locate any chestnuts in April.  I was told that they only have them ‘in season’ which is Christmas time.

My body feels fine.  I did a lot of extra stretching yesterday, last night and this morning.  I will stretch again tonight.  If this rain ever stops, I will also take the dogs for a good long walk.

So, I am doing this.  It is pretty easy. It is fun.  And, I just need to stick with the program.

~ by Omnicentric Metamorphosis on April 5, 2011.

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